Abstract submissions are now CLOSED for the 2024 Early Detection of Cancer Conference.

2024 Poster Requirements

Check-in: On assigned poster presentation day, check-in at the registration desk with poster between 8-9am. Presenters will then be directed where to hang up their poster.

Size & Format: Posters should be readable in landscape format, and should be no bigger than 48” (inches) wide by 36” high (inches).

Poster Printing: Presenters must bring a printed poster on their assigned presentation day. Should presenters need to print posters locally in San Francisco, there are a handful of FedEx locations within walking distance of the conference hotel.


Deadline: Friday, June 14, 2024

Abstract & Lightning Talk selection confirmation: Thursday, August 1, 2024

Registration: You can submit your abstract without being registered. The presenting author must be registered at the time of the conference to present their work.

Abstract limit: There are no restrictions on the number of submissions you may submit.

Language: Abstracts must be written and presented in English.

Character limit: There is a limit of 2500 characters for the text of your submission including blank spaces and punctuation.

Poster Abstract submission criteria:

  • Relevance to early detection
  • Originality and innovation of science
  • Feasibility of science
  • Quality and well-designed science

Lightning Talk selection: Conference will choose 12 Lightning Talks from the submitted abstracts and all approved abstracts will be offered a poster position automatically.

Lightning Talk submission criteria: Selection based on innovative and exciting topic that would be of high interest to the conference audience, and relevance to session themes (below).

  • How is biology informing early detection?
  • Emerging technologies for cancer early detection
  • Insights from Early Detection Trials
  • Artificial Intelligence – promises vs. reality for early detection

What happens after Poster Abstract & Lightning Talk selections:

For selected Lightning Talks:

  • Upon selection, you will be asked to register for the conference if you haven’t already. Lightning Talk presenters will receive free registration.
  • The conference organizer will meet with you before the conference to outline where in the program you will present your talk.
  • Lightning Talks are a maximum of 5-minutes.

For selected Poster Abstracts:

  • Upon selection, you will be asked to register for the conference if you haven’t already.
  • The conference organizer will contact you before the conference to outline the poster sessions and printing requirements for your poster.


Abstract submissions are now CLOSED for the 2024 Early Detection of Cancer Conference.